Our FUNdamentals program offers U5-U8 players (born in 2017-2020) a chance to enjoy the game of soccer while improving their skills.
Are there tryouts for this age group? NO
What are the registration fees?
TBD *was $200 for U6 and $300 for U8 last season
When does registration begin?
In the new year (likely early February)
How do I register? Contact our convenor Craig Ford (klscfundamentals@gmail.com) to receive the registration password, then complete the online registration *If you get the password from someone else without contacting the convenor yourself, your registration will not be valid...you must be on his list!
Do you still need coaches? YES - we could always use more coaches. Please let the convenor know if you are interested. No soccer background or coaching experience is required!
What nights of the week? TBD *We know parents would like to know this information for planning purposes, but our field schedule is complex, and it depends on game night schedules for our older rep teams that will not be confirmed until April
When does the season begin/end? Indoor training will begin once per week in April-May, then we will be outdoors from May-August
What else do I need to know? Keep reading below...
Some of the features of this program include:
If you have any questions about this program, please contact the Fundamentals Convenor
Youth Fundamentals Convenor